Archive for Joshua Field

“Collage Pedagogy” at the Kolaj LIVE Knoxville Symposium

I’m excited to be presenting a paper on Collage Pedagogy at the Kolaj LIVE Knoxville Symposium at the Knoxville Museum of Art. From the evening of Friday, November 5th to Sunday, November 7th, 2021, artists, curators, and writers will gather for a weekend of collage making, slideshows, exhibition visits, and storytelling that deepen our understanding of collage as a medium, a genre, a community, and a 21st century movement.

The session “Collage Pedagogy: Teaching Collage” will include Joshua Field – Professor of Art in Foundations at Tennessee Tech University , Billy Renkl – Professor of Art: Drawing and Illustration, Austin Peay State University, and Kolaj Institute Coordinator and founder of The Mystic Krewe of Scissors and Glue, Christopher Kurts.


Common Ground at Sandra Phillips Gallery in Denver

If you are in the Denver area, venture downtown to see some of my work at Sandra Phillips Gallery in the summer exhibition “Common Ground”


Collage for Schwitters’ Army exhibition

The Guide, 2020, collage. This one is heading to Schwitters’ Army at MERZ Gallery in Scotland.


Upcoming book: BLEND

Excited to have Soundness of the Eyes my collage collaboration (left side) with Brooklyn collagist Allan Bealy (right side) included in the upcoming book BLEND by Benzine Editions.


“And Grace Will Lead Us Home” (above) is included in The Big Show: All Animals Welcome at Drawing Rooms in Jersey City, NJ opens on December 14, 2019 and runs through February 8, 2020

“The earliest art images known to man were cave paintings which depicted animals to help tell the story of their lives, giving animals a mythic and symbolic presence. Artists have continued to be interested in animals as subject matter. Peaceable Kingdom by Edward Hicks takes its theme from a passage in the bible which tells of the animals gathering together in harmony, Guernica by Picasso tells a story of war, Deborah Butterfield’s horses are a metaphorical substitute for herself, Louise Bourgeois’ spiders allude to the strength of her mother, and were used as a symbol of nurturing and protection.”


The Book As a Place for Collage

Honored to have a spread in “The Book as a Place for Collage” by Maison Kasini and available through Kolaj Magazine. “The companion to COLLAGE::BOOKS, a symposium about the role of publishing in collage, considers as a point of departure that the book, not the gallery, is the best place to experience collage. In this book, Kolaj Magazine Editor Ric Kasini Kadour investigates this idea using examples from the magazine’s collection of collage books and work by presenters at the symposium, Kadour traces the history of collage publishing, offers a taxonomy of various publishing activities, and discusses the function of the book in art practice, for art professionals, for viewer or collector. The book includes a statement identifying strategies for supporting the book as a means of distribution and (like exhibition) as a viable and respected part of an artist’s practice.”


COLLAGE :: BOOKS Symposium at VolumeMTL in Montreal

Thrilled to be headed to Montreal on Thursday to speak about my collage practice and book “August 1959” at the COLLAGE :: BOOKS symposium at VolumeMTL.

Kolaj Magazine is partnering with ARCMTL to produce a full day symposium on the subject of collage and the book on October 4th, 2019 in Montreal. The symposium will be a part of VOLUME 2 MTL: Art and the Book, Montreal’s annual conference and fair devoted to art publishing and artists’ books. VOLUME 2 MTL presents works and programming in both English and French, including artists and publishers from all over Canada, the US and elsewhere.


VOLUME 2 MTL: Art and the Book is Montreal’s annual conference and fair devoted to art publishing and artists’ books. VOLUME 2 MTL presents works and programming in both English and French, including artists and publishers from all over Canada, the US and elsewhere.


In Search of Why We Draw at Sandra Phillips Gallery in Denver

Don’t miss the opening for “In Search of Why We Draw” at the Sandra Phillips Gallery in Denver, CO featuring new work by Kate Woodliff O’Donnell, Joshua Field, and Irene Delka McCray!


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